All about ANZAC

Anzac Day, 25 April is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand honouring the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli during World War One.

Anzac Day Subject headings
SCIS Subject Headings List structure for ANZAC

You can find out more on the ANZAC story from New Zealand History Online [SCIS 1594434] and from Australian Stories [SCIS 1030033] on the Australian Government site.  The National Library of New Zealand Services to Schools page has an introduction to Anzac Day [SCIS 1525095], as well as a wonderful gallery of primary sources [SCIS 1547997] under the Culture and heritage page.

Australian schools can search Scootle for ANZAC resources and teaching ideas. New Zealand schools can find ANZAC resources on TKI.

The National Library of Australia’s Trove provides links to digitised newspapers which you can search by State and newspaper title, and their picture library has a wealth of images. See Papers Past for New Zealand newspaper search.

There is more information at the Australian War Memorial in The Anzac day tradition and from the Australian Army website. Some other great resources on Anzac Day can be found on the ABC, from Many Answers as well as on!.

ANZAC biscuits
by Phil Cummings

Plans are underway to mark the 100 years since World War One with an Anzac Centenary 2014-2018.

To search for further ANZAC resources in SCIS select a subject search using one of the SCIS subject headings above [SCIS login required].

Our favourite recent addition to SCIS with an ANZAC subject heading is the beautiful picture book Anzac biscuits by Phil Cummings and illustrated by Owen Swan [SCIS 1598353].