You can now read the latest issue of Connections at the SCIS website.
Judith Way discusses why she saw the need for a digital citizenship blog which reached out to all sectors of her school community. She felt that many students and parents, even if adept at using digital technology and social media, were often unaware of the implications of their digital footprint. She resolved to promote the responsible use of social media and the internet.

Using archetypes to match learning spaces with physical and digital spaces
Bianca Hewes looks at the traditional classroom and wonders why in a changing world, it remains unchanged despite the creation of virtual learning spaces. She examines the work of Prof. David D Thornburg who identifies four ‘archetypal learning spaces: Campfire, Watering hole, Cave and Life.
Dianne McKenzie discusses how the annual report can be a record of a year’s planning and activity, allowing the Librarian to showcase the diverse roles and activities of the Library. She emphasizes the importance of documenting and collecting data
SCIS is more: E-book and RDA updates
Meet our new Cataloging Team Leader Soula Kipos, and find out more about SCIS records for e-books and the introduction of the cataloguing standard: Resource Description and Access (RDA).