Exciting news from SCIS: Automatic Authority Files import for Accessit users!

Accessit users can now automatically import Authority Files into their library management system via our API. This new feature saves time for library staff who no longer need to manually import the files.

Authority Files enhance your catalogue records by incorporating “see” and “see also” references. These references serve as a helpful tool for you and your school community, facilitating easier discovery of relevant resources. It’s like adding an intuitive search assistant to your catalogue!

Our team of expert cataloguers create name, subject, and series linkages, thereby broadening your search results to encompass resources that may not directly match your search term but are still relevant. For instance, when searching for “Stars,” you might also come across resources related to Astrophysics, Nebulae, Planets and Solar Systems . This expanded search experience empowers your school community to find more specific or related resources on the topics they search for.

If you’re an Authority Files subscriber and already use the SCIS API, setting up the new automatic import is straightforward. See the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to Cataloguing -> Imports -> Import MARC Authorities
  2. Select option ‘Import from SCIS API’
  3. Select ‘Authority Type’ – (Subject / Name / Series)
  4. Click ‘Start Import’

If you don’t yet use the SCIS API with Accessit, contact Accessit customer support for assistance setting it up and activating the automatic import.

Once the setup is complete, manual imports become a thing of the past, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of Authority Files effortlessly. In Accessit, these benefits are immediately evident in the ‘See Also’ tab of your search display, as depicted in the screenshot below:

We’re thrilled to offer Accessit users the opportunity to enhance their catalogues with our automatic Authority Files import! If you’re an Accessit user and an Authority Files subscriber, we highly recommend setting up the automatic import today. SCIS extends its gratitude to Accessit for working with us to implement this feature, which helps simplify library management.

Don’t subscribe to our Authority Files yet? No problem! Our friendly customer service team is here to help. Contact us at help@scisdata.com or any of the phone numbers listed on our website to learn more about the benefits and how to get started.

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SCIS (Schools Catalogue Information Service) was created with the aim of providing schools with access to a database of consistent catalogue records created according to agreed national standards, in order to reduce the cost and duplication of effort of cataloguing resources in schools. Since its inception, SCIS has been responsible for improving the quality and consistency of cataloguing materials for schools.

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